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"Tera Sayeen Tujh Mein Hai, Tu Jaag Sake To Jaag"


In the labyrinth of life's complex journey, Kabir's verses stand out for their profound simplicity and deep meaning. One such couplet, rooted in the rich soil of spiritual wisdom, is "Jaise Til Mein Tel Hai, Jyon Chakmak Mein Aag; Tera Sayeen Tujh Mein Hai, Tu Jaag Sake To Jaag." This verse, often recited in the context of spiritual discourse in the Indian subcontinent, offers a powerful metaphor for understanding the presence of the divine within each individual.

Understanding the Metaphor

The verse uses two vivid metaphors: oil in sesame seeds and fire in flint stone. These comparisons are not just poetic but deeply symbolic. They suggest that just as oil is an integral part of sesame seeds and fire is inherent in flint, similarly, the divine essence is an inseparable part of our being. The challenge, however, lies in realizing and awakening this inner potential.

The Concept of Inner Divinity

The idea of inner divinity is not exclusive to any one religion or philosophy. It's a theme that resonates across various spiritual traditions worldwide. In Hinduism, it aligns with the concept of 'Atman', the inner self. In Christian mysticism, it echoes the idea that the Kingdom of God is within. Similarly, in Islamic Sufism, it reflects the belief in finding God within oneself. This universal concept encourages introspection and self-realization.

The Journey of Awakening

Awakening to this inner divinity is not an easy task. It requires self-reflection, meditation, and the pursuit of inner knowledge. This process is akin to extracting oil from sesame seeds or creating a spark with flint and steel. It demands effort, patience, and the willingness to delve deep within oneself.

Practical Steps Towards Awakening

1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular practice of mindfulness and meditation can help in calming the mind and fostering a deeper connection with the inner self.

2. Self-Reflection: Engaging in self-reflection helps in understanding oneself better, thereby uncovering the layers that hide our inner essence.

3. Learning from Wisdom Traditions: Exploring various spiritual traditions and their teachings can provide valuable insights into the nature of the self and the universe.

4. Community and Guidance: Being part of a community and seeking guidance from mentors or spiritual teachers can support and enhance the journey of self-discovery.

Challenges in the Path

The path to awakening is not without its challenges. Distractions, ego, material desires, and the chaos of everyday life can often lead us away from this inner quest. Overcoming these challenges requires perseverance and dedication.

The Impact of Awakening

Awakening to the divine within has a transformative impact on an individual's life. It fosters a sense of peace, compassion, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings. It also encourages living a life that is aligned with one's true purpose and values.


The verse "Jaise Til Mein Tel Hai, Jyon Chakmak Mein Aag; Tera Sayeen Tujh Mein Hai, Tu Jaag Sake To Jaag" serves as a profound reminder of the divine presence within each of us. Awakening this inner divinity is a journey of self-discovery, requiring effort and introspection. As we embark on this path, we not only find ourselves but also contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world.

Mera Kabir

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