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"Moko Kahan Dhundhe Re Bande Main To Tere Paas Mein"

Original Doha:

"Moko Kahan Dhundhe Re Bande,

Main To Tere Paas Mein,

Na Teerath Mein, Na Moorat Mein,

Na Ekant Niwas Mein.

Na Mandir Mein, Na Masjid Mein,

Na Kabe Kailas Mein.

Main To Tere Paas Mein Bande,

Main To Tere Paas Mein,

Na Mein Jap Mein, Na Mein Tap Mein,

Na Mein Barat Upaas Mein.

Na Mein Kiriya Karm Mein Rehta,

Nahin Jog Sanyaas Mein.

Nahin Pran Mein Nahin Pind Mein,

Na Brahmand Akas Mein.

Na Mein Prakriti Prawar Gufa Mein,

Nahin Swasan Ki Swans Mein.

Khoji Hoye Turat Mil Jaoon,

Ik Pal Ki Talas Mein,

Kahet Kabir Suno Bhai Sadho,

Main To Hun Viswas Mein."

"मोको कहां ढूँढे रे बंदे,

मैं तो तेरे पास में,

न तीरथ में, न मूरत में,

न एकांत निवास में।

न मंदिर में, न मस्जिद में,

न काबे कैलास में।

मैं तो तेरे पास में बंदे,

मैं तो तेरे पास में।

न मैं जप में, न मैं तप में,

न मैं बरत उपास में।

न मैं क्रिया कर्म में रहता,

नहीं जोग संयास में।

नहीं प्राण में, न पिंड में,

न ब्रह्मांड आकाश में।

न मैं प्रकृति प्रवर गुफा में,

नहीं स्वासन की स्वांस में।

खोजी होए तुरत मिल जाऊं,

इक पल की तलाश में।

कहत कबीर सुनो भई साधो,

मैं तो हूँ विश्वास में।"

English Translation:

"Where are you searching for me, O Seeker?

I am right beside you.

Not in pilgrimage, nor in idols,

Not in isolated retreats,

Not in temples, nor in mosques,

Neither in Kaba nor in Kailash.

I am with you, O Seeker,

I am with you.

Not in prayers, nor in meditation,

Nor in fasting and rituals,

Not in ascetic practices,

Nor in renunciation and detachment.

Not in breath, nor in the physical body,

Not in the cosmos or the ether.

Not in the realms of nature,

Nor in the breath's fleeting breath.

If you search with true devotion,

You will find me in an instant,

Says Kabir, Listen O wise one,

I dwell in the faith within."

Understanding "Moko Kahan Dhundhe Re Bande"

In this deeply spiritual doha, Kabir poses a rhetorical question to the seeker - "Where are you searching for me, O Seeker?" He implies that the divine, or God, is not to be found in the far-off places or practices where seekers often look, but rather, God is much closer than one might expect.

1. Divine Presence in the Everyday: Kabir emphasizes that the divine presence is intertwined with our everyday existence. The line "Main To Tere Paas Mein" (I am right beside you) suggests that God is omnipresent, existing alongside us in every moment and in every place.

2. Rejection of Traditional Pilgrimages and Rituals: Kabir challenges the traditional belief that the divine can only be found in holy places or through religious rituals. He mentions various places of worship and practices, including pilgrimages (Teerath), idols (Moorat), temples (Mandir), mosques (Masjid), and ascetic practices (Tap), dismissing them as unnecessary for true spiritual discovery.

3. Inner Spiritual Journey: The doha advocates for an internal spiritual journey. Kabir suggests that the key to experiencing the divine is through self-realization and introspection. This inner journey requires no physical travel or elaborate rituals but a sincere and devoted heart.

4. Universal Spiritual Message: Kabir’s message transcends religious boundaries. He makes no distinction between Hindu and Muslim places of worship, pointing out that the divine is beyond these man-made divisions. This universal appeal makes the doha relevant across different cultures and times.

5. Instantaneous Connection with the Divine: Kabir concludes with a powerful promise - "Khoji Hoye Turat Mil Jaoon, Ik Pal Ki Talas Mein" (If you search with true devotion, you will find me in an instant). This line emphasizes the immediacy of the divine connection once the seeker turns inwards with genuine faith and devotion.

6. Essence of Faith: Finally, Kabir states, "Main To Hun Viswas Mein" (I dwell in the faith within), signifying that faith is the ultimate abode of the divine. It is within this inner faith that one finds the true essence of God.

Although I have my dream job and a happy family life, I couldn't shake off the persistent feeling of emptiness that seemed to weigh heavily on my soul. Despite the tremendous success in personal and professional life, I felt a profound sense of dissatisfaction growing within. Kabir's verses struck a chord deep within me, stirring something long dormant in my soul. It was as if Kabir's words were urging me to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Kabir was inviting us to look beyond the external coverings of religion and ritual in our search for truth and divinity. True peace and divinity, Kabir believed, could only be found by turning inward and connecting with the divine essence that resides within each of us. These words resonated deeply with me, sparking a fire of curiosity and determination within my heart. I resolved to delve deeper into Kabir's teachings, to explore the depths of my own soul in search of the peace and contentment that had eluded me for so long.

And so, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, carving out moments of solitude amidst the chaos of daily life to reflect and meditate. As I delved deeper into Kabir's verses, I felt a profound shift taking place within me - a subtle yet undeniable transformation of heart and mind. With each passing day, I found myself letting go of the attachments and distractions that had once held me captive, and instead, embracing a newfound sense of inner peace and serenity. I discovered that true happiness could not be found in the pursuit of external pleasures, but in the simple act of being present and attuned to the divine presence within.

Today, as I reflect on my journey, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude for the wisdom of Kabir's verses. I realize now that true solace can only be found by turning inward and embracing the divine essence that resides within each of us - as Kabir so eloquently put it, "Main To Tere Paas Mein" - I am right here, within you.

Kabir's Teachings and Contemporary Relevance

In the modern era, where life is often marked by material pursuit and external validations, Kabir's doha "Moko Kahan Dhundhe Re Bande" emerges as a beacon of spiritual clarity and inner peace. Its contemporary relevance is profound and multifaceted:

1. Search for Inner Peace: In a world bustling with noise and distractions, this doha serves as a reminder to seek solace within. Kabir's emphasis on finding the divine within oneself encourages individuals to turn inward for peace and understanding, rather than seeking it in the external world.

2. Transcending Materialism: Kabir's teachings are a call to transcend materialism and the superficial aspects of life. In an age where external achievements often define success, his words remind us of the importance of inner contentment and spiritual fulfillment.

3. Universal Message Across Cultures: The doha's universal appeal cuts across cultural and religious boundaries, making it relevant in a globalized world. It speaks to a common human experience, transcending geographical, cultural, and religious divides.

4. Simplicity in a Complex World: Kabir’s message of simplicity is particularly resonant today. In a complex world with ever-increasing demands and distractions, the idea of finding simplicity and truth within oneself is both appealing and necessary.

5. Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: The doha encourages mindfulness and self-reflection, practices increasingly recognized for their mental and emotional benefits. Kabir’s teachings align with contemporary approaches to mental well-being, emphasizing the importance of looking within to find peace and clarity.

6. Spirituality Beyond Religious Dogma: Kabir’s doha presents spirituality as an inclusive, personal experience beyond rigid religious dogmas. This perspective is vital in today’s pluralistic society, where spiritual inclusiveness and personal faith experiences are increasingly embraced.


Kabir's doha "Moko Kahan Dhundhe Re Bande" is a timeless piece of spiritual wisdom. It's an invitation to embark on an inward journey to discover the divine presence within ourselves.

Mera Kabir

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