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"Dheere Dheere Re Mana, Dheere Sub Kutch Hoye"

In an era where speed and instant gratification are the norms, the verse "Dheere Dheere Re Mana, Dheere Sub Kutch Hoye; Mali Seenche So Ghara, Ritu Aaye Phal Hoye" offers a refreshing perspective. This translates to "Slowly, slowly, O mind, everything in its own pace happens; the gardener may water with a hundred pots, fruit only arrives in its season." This blog post explores the depth and relevance of this verse in our contemporary lives.

Understanding the Verse

The verse uses the metaphor of a gardener (mali) and the natural growth of fruits to convey a powerful message about patience and the natural course of events. It suggests that no matter how much effort is put in, certain things will only happen in their own time.

The Power of Patience

In a world obsessed with quick results and shortcuts, this verse reminds us of the power and importance of patience. It teaches that some of the most worthwhile things in life, like personal growth, relationships, and achievements, take time to nurture and develop.

Contemporary Relevance

1. Personal Development: The journey of self-improvement and skill acquisition cannot be rushed. It requires time, effort, and patience.

2. Relationships: Building deep and meaningful relationships is a process that unfolds over time and cannot be accelerated.

3. Achieving Goals: Whether in career or personal aspirations, lasting success often takes time and persistence.

Applying the Verse in Daily Life

1. Setting Realistic Expectations: Understand that good things take time. Setting realistic timelines can help in managing anxiety and impatience.

2. Mindfulness Practices: Engaging in mindfulness and meditation can help cultivate patience and presence in the moment.

3. Appreciating the Journey: Learning to find joy and value in the process, not just the outcome, can be immensely rewarding.

Overcoming the Impatience Trap

The challenge in embracing patience lies in overcoming societal pressures and our internal urge for immediate results. Awareness, setting priorities, and consciously practicing patience can counter these impulses.

The Impact of Patience

Practicing patience based on this verse can lead to:

1. Improved Mental Health: Reduced anxiety and stress are natural outcomes of a patient mindset.

2. Better Decision Making: Patience allows for more thoughtful and considered decisions.

3. Enhanced Appreciation of Life: Patience helps in appreciating the smaller milestones and joys in life.


"Dheere Dheere Re Mana, Dheere Sub Kutch Hoye; Mali Seenche So Ghara, Ritu Aaye Phal Hoye" is a timeless verse that encourages us to embrace the virtue of patience in our hurried world. It reminds us that the most fulfilling and meaningful aspects of life unfold in their own time and cannot be rushed.

Mera Kabir

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