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"मेरा मुझ में कुछ नहीं, जो कुछ है सो तेरा"

In the profound verses of the mystic poet, Kabir, we find a gentle reminder of a timeless truth "मेरा मुझ में कुछ नहीं, जो कुछ है सो तेरा। तेरा तुझकौं सौंपता, क्या लागै है मेरा॥" - "I have nothing of my own, whatever there is belongs to you. I give back to you what is already yours, so where is the loss to me?"

In the hustle and bustle of our lives, amidst the constant pursuit of success, recognition, and material possessions, it's easy to become entangled in the illusion of ownership and control. We cling tightly to our accomplishments, our wealth, and our abilities, believing them to be the essence of who we are. In these poignant words, Kabir encapsulates the essence of selflessness and surrender to the divine. He reminds us that everything we possess - our talents, our achievements, our very existence - is a gift from the divine, entrusted to us for a temporary journey on this earth.

Reflecting on these verses, we are confronted with a profound truth - that we are mere custodians of the blessings bestowed upon us, and true fulfillment lies not in clinging to them possessively but in surrendering them back to their rightful owner, the divine. When we realize that we have nothing of our own, that everything we have is a loan from the universe, our perspective shifts. We no longer feel the need to hoard, to accumulate, to grasp for more. Instead, we embrace a spirit of gratitude and generosity, recognizing that our true wealth lies not in what we possess but in what we give.

In surrendering to the divine, we find liberation from the burden of ownership and control. We release ourselves from the constant striving and grasping, and instead, we find peace in the knowledge that we are held in the loving embrace of the divine, who provides for our every need. So let us heed Kabir's timeless wisdom and embrace the path of selflessness and surrender. Let us acknowledge that we have nothing of our own and that everything we have is a gift from the divine. And in doing so, let us find true fulfillment and contentment in the boundless love and grace of the universe.

Mera Kabir

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